Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Song of the day: Trent Reznor - "Black Ops II Theme"

Yesterday (November 13), video game Call of Duty: Black Ops II (alongside its soundtrack) came out as well as Trent Reznor's side project How To Destroy Angels new EP entitled Omen (stream it here).

As you know, Trent Reznor has written a theme track for above mentioned video game. One day ahead of its release date, theme surfaced online. It sounds pretty much the same as preview from July. Really it doesn't evolve anywhere. It's just a mixture of keyboards, pounding rhythms and little distortion.

I'm not saying I don't like it, I just expected something more. Trent Reznor really didn't experiment a lot and instead used practices he has previously used on music scores for The Social Network, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo or on both How To Destroy Angels' EPs.

Anyway, listen to the song below. Do you like it?