American Express UNSTAGED is a music series created by Vevo, YouTube and American Express. In this series, full live shows are streamed live via YouTube. Afterwards, some of these live streams are available to be watched.
On Tuesday this week (September 18), american well known band The Killers performed live from Paradise Theater in NYC as part of this music series. Don't worry if you missed to watch the show live.
Today, it was posted online on
The Killers Vevo channel in its entirety. I don't know if the show stays there permanently or for limited time only. Anyway, now you can watch it below.
I haven't watched it yet, but I plan to do so later tonight. Based on playlist, it is an awesome show because they included new tracks from their newest record Battle Born, which came out this week, but also older classics like "Somebody Told Me", "Human" or "Mr. Brightside".
"Somebody Told Me"
"Smile Like You Mean It"
"Flesh And Bone"
"Reasons Unknown"
"Miss Atomic Bomb"
"Confessions Of A King"
"Here With Me"
"A Dustland Fairytale"
"Read My Mind"
"Mr. Brightside"
"All These Things That I Have Done"
"Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine"
"When You Were Young"